Rev. Rain's Page

We learn from each other and from all that we encounter. Eventually, we are able to choose what leads us to love and wisdom more directly. In this ability lies freedom, joy, and peace. At the same time, we can allow others the freedom of their choices, whether we agree with them or not.
How grateful we are to be able to join together in song, dance, image, and word in celebration of truth and beauty
How blessed to be in a place where there is free exchange of the wisdom and paths of many spiritual seekers

As the sun, who is the eye of the world,
Cannot be tainted by the defects in our eyes
Or by the objects it looks on,
So the one Self, dwelling in all, cannot
Be tainted by the evils of the world.
For this Self transcends all!
The ruler supreme, inner Self of all,
​Multiplies his oneness into many.
Eternal joy is theirs who see the Self
In their own hearts. To none else does it come.
~ Katha Upanishad (39, p. 94)